This is something my guy friend posted on Facebook a few days ago (all names have been hidden to respect the privacy of those involved). Pardon the Singlish used. Let's analyse this Facebook status, shall we?
Obese couple making out in public. Eyesore ttm.
So apparently, obese couples displaying affection in public are "eyesores". I'm not a fan of Public Displays of Affection, neither am I against it, but my point here is, does their obesity make them an eyesore? What if you saw a really hot, attractive couple making out in public? Would you post "A totally hot couple making out in public. What an eyesore!"
HELL NO! If you were truly against PDA in general, you would just post "a couple making out in public". So my Facebook friend is obviously against FAT people showing public displays of affection! But apparently it's okay for skinny people to make out in public?
This is exactly why I hate being fat. Fat people are treated differently from normal people. Fat people are humans, are they not? And normal people are humans too, are they not? So how come the sight of fat people making out in public is an eyesore, whereas the sight of normal-sized people making out in public is less of an eyesore? Why? It's unfair, isn't it! It's the exact same act of "making out", but it's not received with the same views just because of a difference in size.
Also, take note of the purple guy's comment.
"That's what I call a horror movie!"
What movie today doesn't have a little romance where the hero and heroine share a kiss at some point during the movie? But the guy and girl involved are always attractive (and definitely not fat), right? Argh! A movie where the hero and heroine are fat would never sell as well as a movie where the hero and heroine look like Brad and Angelina (or Jennifer, if you like her better, which I do). More and more unfairness towards fat people!
Aside from Facebook, overweight people are also treated unfairly in places like schools (where it usually starts), offices, streets, etc. There are lots of them, and if these people can only open up about how they actually feel, you'll feel sorry you've been unfair to them.
ReplyDeleteI think people actually DO know that fat people aren't okay with their weight, but it doesn't change the fact that people will still be unfair to fat people. Even if they don't say it out loud (on Facebook or in school/offices), they'll still think it, which is just as saddening.
ReplyDeleteEven I, a fat person, felt that in the movie "Hairspray", the scene where the fat girl made out with Zac Efron looked wrong :\ I know it sucks to feel fat, but yet I've been so influenced by society that I myself subtly discriminate against fat people. It's deeply sad and ironic.
I have no issue with fat people ,that try, fat and ugly are two diff things its not unhealthy to have a unibrow but i see fat people eating awfully and and saying im too thin and saying they have a disability and its unfair for them but at lunch they dodge the fruit and go for the fried chicken and take the elevator and dont want to walk and complaining about how god make them that way, on the other hand i have a chubby friend who excercises and eats healthy with exception of cheat day :), and now this whole real women have curves movement is really offensive to slim girls and calling us twigs and toothpicks and shapeless now people say fat children are okay as they pump them full of cupcakes and lays and they blame us for not liking the lazy fat people choking down large fries
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of such a campaign against skinny girls. In any case, I don't approve of condemning fat OR skinny girls, or any size for that matter. I'm sorry if you've ever been a victim of such discrimination? (Though being discriminated against for being slim is absolutely unheard of in my society).
DeleteIt's not really fair to say that fat people who eat fried chicken, fries, use the elevator and don't exercise deserve to look the way they do. After all, there are plenty of skinny girls who eat junk and don't exercise and are equally lazy (trust me, many of my friends are like that), and they are still skinny no matter what. But nobody perceives them as lazy, just because they're skinny, so they don't LOOK lazy.