Monday, October 10, 2011

Old Clothes Don't Fit Anymore!

Yesterday, I wore a shirt that I'd bought two years ago (when I was much skinnier). It was a little tight, so I asked my younger sister, "Hey, do you want this shirt?"

And guess what she said.

"Didn't this shirt used to be like, really really loose on you?... No offence."

Now was that a slap in the face or what? She might as well have said, "Wow, you used to be really skinny, but now you're so freaking fat that you can't even fit into your old clothes anymore! Ha ha ha!"

Clothes are simply a reminder of your weight. If your old clothes get looser, it means you lost weight. If your old clothes get tighter, it means you gained weight. And if you are like me and can't fit into your old clothes, it psychologically makes you want to kill yourself, because it reminds you of a time when you were actually slim and good-looking, thus reminding you about how bad you look right now.

This is definitely something I despise about being fat. I don't fit into all my old clothes! It's as though I have to keep buying new clothes to accommodate my ever-expanding body. Yuck!

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